Middle School students participated in a community building challenge today where they grade levels competed against each other

Robotics Club's 1st meeting is Mon 8/12 at 4-5pm for 4th-8th grade. Permission forms are in Office. Kinder & up will start in Jan.

WEMS Soccer parent meeting August 13th 5 pm in the Parenteau Auditorium. First day of practice is August 19th.

Parent and student portal is open for use. If you use the app, you will need to log out and log back in. If your password hasn’t been reset in the last 6 months, the system will require you to reset your password. Please contact techsupport@wusd2.org if you have issues logging in. Thank you.

Forensic Scientist Kristin Dick was a guest teacher in Mrs. Mitkowski’s social studies classes today. Mrs. Dick talked to every class about the skills she uses in her job and what kind of education is needed to pursue a career in forensics. She then helped the students “break the codes” to clues in an escape room activity. The kids really soared and impressed our guest with their thoughtful questions and the warm welcome to WEMS!

Williams Police Dept would like to remind you about 15 mph speed limit in school zone. Strictly enforced. Also yield to right of way for walkers. Give yourself extra time especially these first few days.

Welcome back!!

Just a friendly reminder about dress code as students are preparing for school this morning.

Twas the night before school started...
Students, we look forward to seeing your happy faces tomorrow!

We discovered this morning that last night’s call went out to all WEMS families AND their emergency contacts. Please know we have fixed that already and apologize for the inconvenience. Also, please email techsupport@wusd2.org to report problems with the new notification system.

Big shout-out to our speakers this morning during staff orientation. Your words are inspiring. Thank you for reminding us why we are here.

Congratulations Ms. Yaw-Ruiz for winning a Supply My Classroom 2.0 APS Teacher Award!

Reminder: The first day of preschool at Williams Elementary School is Monday August 5th. The morning class will eat breakfast together and the afternoon class will eat lunch together daily. If you do not wish to purchase meals from the cafeteria, please send your child with a meal. If you have any questions about your qualification for free or reduced price meals, please make sure you have filled out the Free and Reduced Lunch Form for the cafeteria, and/or contact Chris Sanders at WEMS 928-635-4428 ext. 124 with any questions. Thank you, we look forward to seeing all of your children at school on Monday!

Welcome new staff members! We are glad you are here. Left to Right - Mr. Eric Evans, WHS Principal; Mrs. Darcy Evans, 4th Grade Teacher; Mr. Edward Kmetz, CTE Teacher; Ms. Tessa Costich, M.S. Math Teacher; Mr. Thomas Sanzone, WHS Resource Teacher; Ms. Jenna Rabe, Art Teacher

Our food service program would like to remind you of the increase in meal fees for this school year. Please turn in lunch applications asap. Applications can be downloaded at https://www.wusd2.org/o/wusd/page/food-service--222. Turn into school office once completed.

The PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal has been closed for the summer and will reopen the first week of school. MS & HS students will get their schedules the first day of school. K-5 class lists will be posted in the long hallway tomorrow by 4 pm.

Here is the school calendar for your reference.

Reminder: Sports Physicals tomorrow (7/23) @ North Country Health Care. $20. By appt. only. Call 928-635-4441. Pick up the paperwork @ either WEMS or WHS front offices. Complete paperwork before your appt.

We have a new website coming! We will be going live soon. Take a sneak peak at http://williamsunifiedaz.apptegy.us/o/wusd

First day of school...Monday, August 5th!