Greetings Vikings! Homecoming 2020 marches on! Window Decorating, a new tradition, is complete!
We now need voters! Vote for best window decoration at the link below. We fixed the previous link. This should now work! Please share the link with everyone in town! This is a community event!
Voting ENDS tomorrow night (10/21) at 9 pm!
Greetings Vikings!
Homecoming Float info...
Location of floats: (UPDATED!)
Theme: "Take Us Back"
9th - WHS Welding Shop
10th - WHS Auto Shop
11th - Skate Park
12th - Rodeo Barn
Deadline to complete float: Wednesday Oct 21, @ 9 pm
Parade: line up @ 12:30 pm on Thursday (10/22) alongside WHS Softball Field: Parade starts at 1:00 pm down Route 66.
Greetings Vikings! Today's Opening Day of Homecoming Week was a success! From 4-5 pm today, up to 3 students from each class maximum, will Window Decorate in town. Tomorrow is Hall Decorating Day and Class Colors Day. Please wear your class colors tomorrow!
9th - Black
10th - Purple
11th - Blue
12th - White
Greetings Vikings! Homecoming Week is Oct 19-Oct 23
Please click on the link below for a FULL lineup of Homecoming Events!
We will still require masks where we cannot social distance (6 feet or more) and encourage social distancing where we can.
Greetings Vikings! Homecoming 2020 is a go! Details to come this afternoon! It's lengthy, so we will post to FB and send info to email addresses only.
Early notes: Homecoming 2020 Theme "Take Us Back"
Monday: Blue Clues Day - Wear your Pajamas!
Monday: up to 3 kids/grade level maximum, window decorating!
9th grade: Cruisers
10th: Oh Sweetie's
11th: Brewed Awakenings
12th: Rehab & Relax Massage
Stay tuned!
Special thanks to our Governing Board Members for approving and supporting our Homecoming 2020 efforts!
A huge thank you to Greg and Sheraton Cole from South Rims Wine &Beer Garage for their support to our WUSD staff. These local business owners gave every one of our staff members a $25 coupon to their restaurant. Staff members have commented how much that support means this year.
Greetings WHS Vikings: Friendly reminder, Thursday (10/15) from 2-6 pm, at WHS, are Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.
We ask that you: limit conferences to 10-15 mins max each
Avoid bringing large groups for the same student
Conferences will be inside teacher classrooms
Social Distance where possible
Wear a mask where possible
Sign up ahead of time where possible with teachers
Early release for all WHS students on Thursday @ 12:30 pm. Lunch served at 12:00 noon. Buses run at 12:30 pm.
Thank you to the extremely generous Kiwanis Club of Williams for always supporting WUSD! Once again this year, they've made sure that our students and staff have all the supplies needed to start the new school year. To boot, this amazing group is celebrating our middle school and high school Students of the Month with their photos displayed at The Pizza Factory and individual gift cards. Thank you, Kiwanis Club, for always prioritizing our Williams youth!
Greetings Vikings & Happy Monday! The Free School Breakfast Program (SBP) & Free National School Lunch Program (NSLP) has been extended through the end of the school year! ALL WHS Students can take a 'grab and go' breakfast and/or lunch each school day, if so desired. If wanting a lunch, students must order a lunch on that day, before 2nd period.
-Mr. Evans***
Congratulations to Coach Endicott, Coach Mackin, and the entire WEMS Soccer Team on their outstanding level of play yesterday! Yesterday's victories against Ash Fork and Seligman wrapped up a short, but undefeated, season. Great teamwork and great athletes!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, American Legion John Ivens Post #42! Mr. Zambrano and our middle school band members are so grateful for your generous donation of $2,000! We will use these funds to repair old and purchase new instruments. #JoiningTogetherForSuccess
Save the Date! WEMS Parent-Teacher Conferences are next Thursday, October 15th from 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. Elementary conferences will be held by appointment with teachers and middle school conferences will be held in the gym. Please limit attendees to 2 people and wear masks. We look forward to seeing all families at conferences and working together so that all students are successful this year! #JoiningTogetherForSuccess
Greetings Vikings: The Viking Post is here!
Please visit
or: go to and click on Menu in the top right. On the right side in the black, scroll down and click on Viking Post
Congrats to our ELA 10 Honors Class on their first publication!
Greetings Vikings! Just a few announcements/reminders: Please save this text and/or mark your calendars!
1. Signed COVID Waivers are due Oct 8th. If we do not have your signed waiver, those students will have to report to in-home, remote learning until we receive the signed document. Please check with Miss Laci on the status of your child's waiver.
2. Oct 8 - Quarter 1 ends
3. Oct 15 - Early release half day. Classes end at noon. Lunch will be served for those that want lunch from noon-12:30 pm.
4. Oct 15 - Parent Teacher Conferences 2-6 pm in teacher classrooms. We ask that you keep each conference to a max of 10 mins and that as few people as possible come to the actual conference, to avoid lines and crowds. We encourage you to reach out to your child(ren)'s teachers to schedule times.
5. Oct 20 - ACT for Seniors (Class of 2021)
6. Pending - Homecoming Week Oct 19-23
(details to be released after Oct 14)
7. Homecoming for Volleyball & Football - Oct 23 vs. Mayer 4 & 7 pm.
Did you know that our WEMS fourth graders are doctors at The Williams Hospital? Well, they are today! A Falcon Shout-Out to Ms. Perkins and Ms. Evans for transforming their classrooms into spaces where students need to solve math problems and complete reading tasks in order to cure illnesses and save lives! What a creative way to engage students in learning!
Greetings Vikings: early this evening our very own Mrs Alexander was named the Coconino County New Teacher of the Year-Ambassador for Excellence in Flagstaff. We are so very proud of her and her dedication and commitment to WHS. We are proud she is a Viking! Congrats Mrs. Alexander! Thank you for everything that you do for us!
The Arizona Children's Association is excited to announce its next round of FREE online parenting classes. Flyers are attached with more details.
Classes emphasize Child Brain Development, Understanding Behavior, Family Communication, and Preparing Your Child For Success In School.
Sign up today by contacting Krista Bush at
Greetings Vikings: WHS Staff have recently collaborated & decided that for our ONLINE LEARNERS...attendance must be taken by the student, in each of their (up to) 6 classes in Google Classroom, by 3:45 pm each school day.
We will continue to allow for work to be submitted until the 11:59 pm deadline for assignments/homework. This practice of 11:59 pm aligns with college readiness.
Again, this only applies to attendance (3:45 pm) and NOT classwork/homework.
This will streamline our daily attendance record keeping and will put WHS in line with WEMS practices as well.
Thank you!
-Mr. Evans & the WHS Family-
Updated Lady Viking Volleyball Schedule (updated 9-28-20)
Hello Williams families - a wonderful organization in Coconino County is looking for a few Williams community members who are invested in the community and passionate about building a stronger and more connected community.
If you're interested, please contact Mr. Wollman at WEMS (
For more information, please visit