Virtual College Fair! ASU, NAU, and U of A will be having a virtual college fair September 8th-12th. This is not just to tour the university but will have many virtual classes about applying to, paying for, and going to college. The workshops include: -Tri-Universtiy Welcome: Understanding Your In-State Options -Admissions 101 -Paying for College: Understanding Financial Aid & Scholarships -The Honors College Experience -Getting Ahead | Tips for 9-11 Graders -Parent Session: Supporting Your Student -College Students Live -Major Exploration and Degrees -Seamless Transfer Pathways -Student Supports at the College Level -Understanding Your In-State Options -Admissions 101 -Paying for College: Understanding Financial Aid & Scholarships -College Students Live Any student and parent should attend these if the student is thinking about attending college. It will mainly help out seniors and juniors but any grade level can attend if you want to start to learn about the process of applying to and attending a university. The registration link is: and has all the information you may want. It is never to late to learn about the college process! Thank You, Mr. Powers
over 4 years ago, James Powers
Good morning from the counselor's office! I am excited about getting the school year started again and seeing students in our classrooms and halls. It was too quiet here the first week without you. Please remember that if we want to continue this then keep on doing the things that have been implemented to keep us all safe. Social distance and wear your mask!. There are 2 things coming up that I want to inform you about. We currently are having sign ups for the PSAT/NMSQT test. This test is for 10th and 11th grades and is a pre college readiness test for the SAT/ACT. If you are considering going to college after high school this is a good test to take to get ready for the SAT/ACT which colleges use for some scholarships, placement in classes your freshman year, and admissions. The cost of the test is $17 and juniors with financial need may qualify for a fee waiver. You can sign up in your English class or the front office. Registration for this will end Tuesday September 1st. Email Mr. Powers ( with any questions. We usually have an in person college fair in October that has been changed to a virtual college fair that will be 3 days (Saturday September 19th, Thursday October 27th, and Tuesday November 17th). This would be a great time for anyone (especially juniors and seniors) to look at some smaller schools in the area. They will have representatives from the schools, virtual tours, Financial Aid 101, College application help and more. If you visit 3 virtual booths you could also win a $500 scholarship. If you are still searching for a college to attend, just starting to think about this, or even know where you are going to go I recommend this to all who want to get some more information about colleges and the process it will take to get there. You have to register to attend this and the link for information about it and to register is: As always you can call (928-635-4474 ext. 407) or email me ( with any questions, concerns or ideas that you have. Thank You, Mr. Powers
over 4 years ago, James Powers
Greetings WHS Families: Today, Zoom experienced outages across the USA and the UK, locking many out of their meetings. If you were affected by today's outage, please be sure to email your teacher(s) notifying them and please be sure to complete a task/assignment in the affected courses to be counted as "present" for today's classes, today. Thank you! -Mr. Evans-
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
Greetings Alg I and Geometry ONLINE LEARNERS: We have created (in the Google Classroom, under Stream) a new material/assignment. It's a Google Form to sign in/check in each and every time you come to Alg I or Geometry math class online. This is what we will use for daily attendance. Please click on the Google Form DAILY to be counted as present for attendance purposes each time you come to the class. You are only required Mon-Thurs, but we realize you may be on there outside of those days. Please check in with that material/assignment every time. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
Greetings WHS Families: I am pleased to announce that we have found our math teacher. Mr. Robert Lehman (pronounced Lee-man) will start Monday (8/24) at WHS, teaching Algebra I and Geometry. Please help me in welcoming Mr. Lehman to the WHS Family! Thank you! -Mr. Evans-
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
WEMS Yearbooks have arrived and they look awesome! Huge thanks to Gabi Uebel, who spent hours and hours completing the yearbook design after last spring's school closure. If you ordered a yearbook, it will be sent home with your child. If your child is learning remotely, you can pick up his or her yearbook at WEMS any Monday through Thursday. Ninth graders' yearbooks are at WHS. We do have 20 extra soft-covered yearbooks that we'll sell on a first-come basis for $20 each. Send payment into the school with your child. #JoiningTogetherForSuccess
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
2020 Yearbook
Good morning parents, over the next several days if you have not already completed a 2020/2021 meal application we will be senting applications home with your students. You only need to complete one application per household. This will insure that students meal benefits do not laps. If you do not qualify just list the students name on the application and state do not qualify. Keep on the look out for the applications coming home with students and return to the school once completed. Thank you for your help!
over 4 years ago, FOOD SERVICE
Greetings WHS ONLINE LEARNERS: Continue to log in to Google Classroom daily, for each class period. Submit a response to a bellwork, daily question, assignment, etc each day! If there is nothing for a certain class for that day, POST A SHORT MESSAGE to your classmates and/or teacher about school related topics, questions, etc. This will count for your attendance. As the days wear on, teachers will continue to upload more and more content/assignments, just as your in person peers are person. It will get more and more "busy" with more and more work to do in our virtual Google Classrooms. Hang tight! We miss each of you! We hope you are all well! -Mr. Evans and the WHS Family-
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
Greetings WHS Vikings! What a great first day! Thanks to everyone for your patience and compliance for a safe return to campus. It was wonderful to see you! As I said earlier today, these hallways are NOTHING without the students who walk them! Please bring your mask/shield, charged Chromebook, and a water bottle for tomorrow! We will continue to build in mask breaks and allow for mask breaks when social distancing can occur. Its hot in this building! Continue to hydrate during the day! Great job Vikes! See you tomorrow! -Mr. Evans & the WHS Family-
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
Great job getting your children ready for the first day of school, families! Students were able to follow face covering requirement; kiddos had lots of outdoor breaks; and were just all-around respectful of our new way of doing things here at WEMS! We are ready for Day #2. Please keep sending students with charged Chromebooks and water bottles. Also, at morning drop-off, please stay in the car lane with your child until his or her temperature is taken. We appreciate your support. #JoiningTogetherForSuccess #GoFalcons
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Any student wanting to change their schedule should email Mr. Powers at Please include your cell phone # and a time I can reach you in case I have questions. Thank You, Mr. Powers
over 4 years ago, James Powers
Hi families, if you have not completed a current 2020/2021 meal application do so ASAP. Applications can be printed from or picked up at the High School or Williams Elementary/Middle School offices. Thank you have a wonderful day. Chris Sanders
over 4 years ago, FOOD SERVICE
Good morning, a quick reminder for students signed up for remote learning wanting to receive meals. Email or call 1-928-635-4428 ext 124 before 8am daily. Meal pick-up time is 10- 11am. HS pick-up at front entrance, Wems will remain the same the long hallway. 🌲
over 4 years ago, FOOD SERVICE
If you've signed your child up to participate in WEMS Remote Learning for the 1st Quarter, please take time before Monday to review our Remote Learner Expectations (linked below). Again, while remote learning provides flexibility and an at-home environment during the pandemic, it requires significant time and academic support from families. If this option does not suit your family, please contact the school to change your learning option to on-campus learning.
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Hello Falcons! For families who've chosen on-campus learning, we'll be welcoming your children back into the school building this Monday, August 17th. As you may have heard, our community has met 2 out of the 3 suggested health benchmarks set out by state. Please know that our entire staff will work hard to keep the physical environment disinfected and to ensure adherence to the health and safety measures approved by our school board. Our goal is to keep students and staff healthy so we can continue attending school in person and not return to a school closure scenario. That's where you come in. Please remember to keep your children home if they have a fever or exhibit other COVID-like symptoms. Please send them each day with a mas or face shield. Please have them bring their waiver to school. Please have them bring a water bottle as fountains are turned off but bottle refilling stations are open. Finally, for 3rd through 8th graders, please send them with their charged Chromebooks every day. While school will look different this year, our entire staff feels the same: We can't wait to see our students back at WEMS this Monday. Thank you for your support.--Dr. Morrison
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Hello parents and students, Last night, the WUSD Governing Board decided to return to brick and mortar school on Monday, August 17th. This decision was made with consideration of COVID-19 benchmarks set forth by the AZ Dept of Health and the WUSD Re-opening plan. The re-opening plan can be found on the WUSD website. Distance learning will still occur for those who do not wish to return to the buildings yet. There are some stipulations that must occur for students to return to the school: • All students (and staff) will wear a face covering/mask, which is mandated by the governor and WUSD Policy. This is how we stay open, and it will be enforced. If your child isn’t able to wear a mask due to health, religion, or any other reason, they can use our distance learning program from home. Face shields have been approved to wear. • Students who show COVID symptoms must stay home. Temperatures will be taken as students board buses and enter the school. If students exhibit symptoms, they will be sent home. So please screen your kids daily before sending them to school. • The waiver we sent home to attend school must be signed and returned to the school. These stipulations aren’t ideal and many people don’t agree with them, but they are necessary for us to open school. Please do your part to keep the schools open and give the opportunity to students to be with their teachers and classmates. Busing will be on the same schedule as last year. Please be with your child at the bus stop during this first week of pick-up. Be sure they have no symptoms of COVID and have a face-mask for them to wear on the bus. Temps will be taken as students board the bus. Please contact your child’s school with questions. Rick Honsinger Superintendent, WUSD#2
over 4 years ago, Rick Honsinger
There is free and fast COVID testing going on daily in Williams through August 24th. More info here:
over 4 years ago, Rick Honsinger
Hello WHS Graphic Design Students: Please remember to post a comment daily in our Google Classroom in order to be counted as present. You have until the end of the day. Also, feel free to reach out to me during my office hours, check out the times in our Zoom post.
over 4 years ago, Williams Unified School District #2
Greetings Vikings Families: This is Mr. Evans. I am currently in a backlog of phone calls and emails to respond to. I am doing my best to prioritize and/or take messages in order. I will get back to each and every one of you. Thank you for your continued patience. -Mr. Evans*** P.S. I am currently the Alg I and Geometry teacher in Google Classroom and Zoom and hopefully wrapping up paperwork on a math candidate that we interviewed, to start as soon as we finish the required hiring process.
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
The WUSD Governing Board will hold their regular monthly meeting at 5:30pm on Wed, Aug 12th followed by a Town Hall Forum at 6pm to talk about online learning, school opening, and other issues we are facing at this time. You can attend through Zoom using this link: or attend in person at the WHS cafeteria. All people who attend must wear a face covering per governor's order.
over 4 years ago, Rick Honsinger