WUSD Meal Sites/Times Every Monday thru Thursday: WEMS--10 am to 11:15 am Valle Travel Stop--11 am to 11:45 am AJ’s Mini Mart Shell--10:30 am to 11:15 am Parks School--10:45 am to 11:30 am
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Thank you, WEMS families, for your patience yesterday as we worked out some tech glitches. We've corrected many issues with Google Classroom access, and your child's different classrooms should now "pop up" after logging in. If you are not seeing these classrooms, please click on the link below for all Middle School Google Classroom Codes and directions to logon. You can also email techsupport@wusd2.org for help or call the school at 928-635-4428. Thank you! https://5il.co/jd6v
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Thank you, WEMS families, for your patience yesterday as we worked out some tech glitches. We've corrected many issues with Google Classroom access, and your child's different classrooms should now "pop up" after logging in. If you are not seeing these classrooms, please click on the link below for all Elementary Google Classroom Codes and directions to logon. You can also email techsupport@wusd2.org for help or call the school at 928-635-4428. Thank you! https://5il.co/jd5q
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Good morning families, don't forget to pick up breakfast and lunch today Thank you for your support😁
over 4 years ago, FOOD SERVICE
Parents, you can order 5 free cloth face masks for your student by following this link: https://azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/index.php#novel-coronavirus-order-masks
over 4 years ago, Rick Honsinger
Good morning, please remember to pick up meals for this week at previously posted location's and times. Today's lunch is cheese burgers , green beans and fruit cup. Thank you, have a wonderful day.
over 4 years ago, FOOD SERVICE
Hello from the counseling department (Mr. Powers). I want to thank everyone in advance for their patience during these unprecedented times. Please know that I will be in the office during school hours for any calls, emails, zoom meetings, etc.. As you can imagine the phones are ringing off the hook. In an effort to keep the lines open for non schedule related calls and emergencies I would ask that any students wishing to change their schedules email me at jpowers@wusd2.org. Please include the student's cell phone # in case I have questions or problems with the schedule change request. Thank You, Mr. Powers
over 4 years ago, James Powers
Hello WHS Graphic Design Students! This is your teacher, Mrs. Yaw! I hope you've joined our Google Classroom (code: wlwstnk) and/or accepted the invitation I sent you. Your first assignment will be posted tomorrow at 8am but I want to make sure I can arrange a good time for us to meet. Please answer the question under the "Schedule" topic. If you have any questions, I will post my office hours for Zoom in our Google Classroom shortly. I look forward to work with you this upcoming year.
over 4 years ago, Williams Unified School District #2
Greetings WHS Vikings: Just a reminder, school starts tomorrow at 8 am with virtual/remote learning. You should be receiving emails and/or texts from your child’s teachers with Zoom instructions. Mr Evans has sent a spreadsheet with all Google Classroom join codes. If you have online support needs, please email our Tech Dept at techsupport@wusd2.org Our expectations include logging in to every class, every single day. This can look different, as it might include Zooming, submitting an assignment, a bell work question etc. Grades will be assigned. Teaching will occur. Learning will happen. Attendance will be taken. Please use tomorrow to get lots of answers to all your questions. Things will smooth out. Good luck Vikings. We hope to see you soon!
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
Falcon Families: If you need help with remote learning tomorrow on the first day of school, just click on the appropriate link below to connect with live support: Tech Support (logging into computers, passwords, etc.) 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: https://zoom.us/j/94170814413?pwd=OEQyNVpvTDQ5TEJFMFpUcGR5V0U4QT09 Meeting ID: 941 7081 4413 Passcode: 6n4QbF Help with ZOOM, 7:30 -10:00 a.m. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76967579212?pwd=NENkZGJiVk1rVERoZUZpdUtvN2x2dz09 Meeting ID: 769 6757 9212 Passcode: tech2020 Help with Google Classroom, 12:00-2:00 p.m. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77290894242?pwd=VEltTTNBN00rR3pvL2wxUUlESU1wdz09 Meeting ID: 772 9089 4242 Passcode: tech2020 ​Questions for the Principal, 1:00-3:00 p.m. https://asu.zoom.us/j/97480068918?pwd=cWs3UGc3eTV0U0UwanBYZzdlKys3QT09 Meeting ID: 974 8006 8918 Password: 445174
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
help desk
Hello Falcon Families: We're excited about tomorrow's first day of remote learning! If you haven't already, please take time today with your child to log onto his or her device and actually sign into Google Classroom. Directions on how to do this, along with login information, were shared at Grades 3-8 Chromebook distribution and in the PreK-2nd grade paper packets mailed home to younger students. It's important for everyone to familiarize themselves with this today because tomorrow morning all students are invited to their first ZOOM class of the week. Below is a concise video on Google Classroom if you're interested. Thank you very much--Dr. Morrison. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Iowi-gmbys
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Remote learning tips!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
remote learning tips
Excited for our first day of school, WUSD#2! Check out these tips to help you succeed when learning from home this week! Go Falcons! Go Vikings!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Greetings WHS Families: Please see the link below for a special video message from Principal Evans. My apologies for the lengthiness of it. It lays out a lot re: reopening, online school starting Monday, course offerings, athletics, transportation, plans, scenarios, etc. Lets have a fantastic year! We will endure and we shall overcome! https://5il.co/j9o6
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
Greetings WHS Families: Due to math schedules and 11th grade scheduling conflicts, we have made some adjustments to students schedules and the online learning Zoom schedule as well. Please download the "PowerSchool Mobile" app to access student absences, grades, and class schedules. The district code is: QBLM. Here is the updated Remote Learning Zoom schedule. Changes are highlighted in yellow. We start Monday at 8 am, Aug 10th. https://5il.co/j9n3
over 4 years ago, Williams High School
Thank you for your patience...we said we'd all need a bit of it this week. Below is the correct link and password to Principal Morrison's explanatory video. Disregard the previous link: https://asu.zoom.us/rec/play/7JV7cOqupz03HtLD4wSDA_B4W47rLams0SAdqKFbzRm2VXBQZ1TyZLBAMOa2dJVm9Mtuz7gOSVm5TqWL?continueMode=true f5$!c@4P
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
WEMS Families: Our video just sent out is requesting a password. Will update you shortly.
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
WEMS Families: Please click on the link below to view a video with Principal Morrison explaining more about the first week of school that begins this Monday remotely. She'll share information on schedules, classes, online learning, and how to help your child have a successful first week from home. Some frequently asked questions will be answered. https://asu.zoom.us/rec/share/tOVJF_L3-URJeoXL9F3RGag_M5z9aaa80ChI_PAPmBtdj514T_A12c0EwOHF1HLR?startTime=1596779367000
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Hello Falcon Families. We're excited to start the school year with remote learning from home this Monday, August 10th. Families can now view their child's Powerschool account to find out elementary teacher and middle school class assignments. Elementary teacher assignments are also posted on the school's long hallway windows. Once you have your child's teacher assignment or middle school class list, please review the remote learning schedules linked below to learn more about what Monday will look like for your child. Definitely read the "Important Notes" section on the back of these schedules. Finally, be on the lookout for more information tomorrow from your child's teacher and me. Thank you for your patience as we begin remote learning and work hard to serve our students. --Dr. Morrison Elementary Schedule: https://5il.co/j87e Middle School Schedule: https://5il.co/j87f
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary-Middle School
Hello families, we will have one last curbside pick up tomorrow (8/7) from 8 am - 10 am for any registered student that has not picked up their Chromebook.
over 4 years ago, Williams Unified School District #2