Greetings WHS Families: After the release of last night's online schedule for WHS, one big question remains. "How do I know if my child(ren) are in the A or B groups"?
Teachers are creating these flexible groups and will let students know during the first few days of school. If conflicts arise in a schedule, teachers and students can work together to switch in/out of A or B to accommodate.
Creating A and B allows us additional flexibility and balances out the "size" of Zoom meetings/"rooms".
Patience will be key. Communication will be necessary. I thank you in advance for both.
Mr. Evans***
If you ordered a yearbook, they are available at the front office. Extra yearbooks will be available shortly. You can contact Ms Yaw @ ext 306
Greetings Vikings! This is Mr. Evans. Hard to believe, but school starts this upcoming Monday Aug. 10th! One big question still out there is "How do I know when my child is supposed to be online to meet with their (online/virtual) class?"
Please click the link below for the schedule of when all of WHS is in remote learning mode (Scenario # 3).
Please help us share this with your students. Printed copies can be picked up at the WHS Front Office as well. Thank you!
Hello families, we will start our Chromebook distribution tomorrow morning. Please take a few minutes to read Chromebook Agreement at the link below before you pick up the device. We will have signature pages available if you are not able to print the last page prior to pick up. If possible, please have your child sign the agreement as well. We do require a parent signature.
We have ordered protective sleeves but they have not arrived yet. They will be distributed prior to the first day of in person instruction.
Chromebook Agreement:
If you requested a hotspot, please read the consent form. We will have printed copies available.
Hotspot Consent Form:
July is one of the busiest months for many of our district's departments! Technology, custodial/maintenance, and office staff work non-stop in July. There's only one way to prepare hundreds of devices, clean dozens of classrooms, register hundreds of students, and process countless forms: One by one, each individually! Thanks to all of these staff members for their hard work this July. Here comes August!
WUSD#2 has used federal grant dollars to purchase Hotspots for families in need to access remote learning. These are only for families without Internet service. Please reserve your Hotspot by clicking on the link below as soon as possible.
To clarify: The school year starts for all WEMS students on August 10th with remote learning from home. Unless the state directs us otherwise, we will transition to on-campus learning for students who selected that option on August 17th. ALL students in grades 3-8 will be issued individual Chromebooks next week (pick-up schedule sent separately). For PreK-2 students, we will have touch-screen devices, but they have not arrived yet. As a result, we will mail PreK-2 work packets to all PreK-2 students' home addresses for that first week of learning (arriving on 8/10 or 8/11). There will also be online opportunities that first week for PreK-2 families with SmartPhones or other devices. Finally, Hotspots will be available for families without Internet access.
Please stay connected to critical school information by downloading our app, visiting our website at, or liking us on Facebook. We look forward to serving you to the best of our abilities this year!
Greetings WHS Families!
CORRECTION: For Chromebook pickup, it should state "if your last name STARTS WITH"
Thank you! Go Vikings!
Coconino County Health Services will be doing free COVID-19 testing at WEMS in Williams on Thursday, July 30th from 10AM - 1PM.
Greetings Williams Vikings! Please see below for pickup of Chromebooks for ALL WHS High Schoolers. If you need a hotspot device for Wi-Fi, please request that when you arrive. If you already answered our survey about hotspots, our Tech Team has that info. Thank you!
Location: WEMS Front Entrance
For: all WUSD students grades 3-12
Tue, Aug. 4
Last name ending A-E
8:30 AM-12:00 PM
Last name ending F-L
1:00 PM-4:30 PM
Wed, Aug. 5
Last name ending M-R
8:30 AM-12:00 PM
Last name ending S-Z
1:00 PM-4:30 PM
If you cannot attend during your scheduled time, you can arrive between 4:30-5:00 pm either day.
Warm regards,
Mr. Evans***
Hello all, while we are uncertain when we will be in the buildings for normal school, we do know that WE ARE STARTING ONLINE SCHOOL AUGUST 10TH. This is the official start of the year and teachers will be holding class with required assignments and attendance will be taken. The district has purchased Chromebooks for every student grades 3-12 and also has purchased hotspots for those who don't have internet access. Look for messages from your school for pickup of these devices. Also, WE NEED YOU TO REGISTER if you haven't. We need to assign classes to teachers so they can start contacting students for online learning. We hope to see you soon in regular school, but until then we will be ready with online learning!--Supt. Honsinger
Good Morning Middle School Families. So far, we've had 90 students tell us their elective class preferences for this year. Thanks for being on top of things! If you have a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader at WEMS and haven't selected electives yet, today is the last day. Please chat with your child and click on the link below before 9 p.m. tonight. Students who do not respond will have electives selected for them. Thank you!
Coconino County will offer free drive-thru COVID-19 testing in Williams on Thursday, July 30th from 10am-1pm in the WEMS parking lot. No appointment necessary.
WEMS Registration is tomorrow and Thursday in the cafeteria. ALL students need to register--even if they attended WEMS last year and even if they will be learning online. WEMS students in grades 3 thru 8 will be 1:1 this year, meaning that all students in these grades will be issued Chromebooks at the beginning of the school year...but they must register first. Registration times are based upon last names:
Last Name Beginning A-F--Wed. 7/22, 8-11 a.m.
Last Name Beginning G-L--Wed. 7/22, 12-3 p.m.
Last Name Beginning M-S--Thur. 7/23, 8-11 a.m.
Last Name Beginning T-Z--Thur. 7/23, 12-3 p.m.
For health and safety, we ask you to limit the number of people at registration and to please wear a mask. Thank you!
Greetings WHS Families. I hope each of you are well. We are excited and more eager than ever to get the upcoming school year started. WHS Registration is tomorrow (7/22) from 9a-2p and Thurs (7/23) from noon-5pm in the WHS FRONT LOBBY (venue change). We ask that you social distance and wear a mask, where possible. We also ask that you pick up a registration packet and return it completed at a later time, where possible. We will have a secure Library Book Return Cart outside the WHS Front Entrance for convenient drop off over the next several business days. If you plan on your child(ren) being online learners, they too still need to register. Thank you and Be Well. We miss each of you!
We still have openings in our Williams Academic Pre-K classes. Please call WEMS with any questions. Stop by the social distancing registration event on 7/21/2020 or 7/22/2020 from 8:00-11:00 or 12:00-3:00 to register.
Hello Middle School Families. It's time to select elective classes for this year! Please click on the link below with your middle school child and rank which classes are preferred. Will it be band, art, P.E., or something else? All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders attending WEMS either on-campus or online should complete this questionnaire as soon as possible to get the classes they want!
Thanks to all the Williams Elementary-Middle School families who have completed our Learning Option Questionnaire already. If you haven't done so yet, take two minutes to let us know if your child(ren) will learn on campus or at home. If you've moved and/or need to withdraw your child(ren), you can let us know this on the questionnaire as well. Read more about district opening plans on our website: Thanks for sharing your selection so we can plan the best year for ALL students.
Greetings Vikings! WHS Registration forms are now online! Please go to, fill out the forms, print, and return to the WHS Front Office between 9 am and 3 pm Mon-Thurs. If you do not have access to those resources, please come see us for regular in person registration July 22 (9a-2p) or July 23 (noon-5p).
Greetings WHS Families: WHS Registration for the upcoming school year (for both in person & online learning) will be in the WHS Gym Lobby July 22, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm and again on July 23 from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm. All students, whether learning online with WHS or in person, must register. Thank you!